Кokoyty: The Agreement between RSO and RF says of the development of the intergovernmental relations

Fri, 18/02/2011 - 19:00

Signing the agreement in the field of geological studying and exploring the depths of earth says of dynamic development of the bi-lateral intergovernmental relations between South Ossetia and Russia. It was declared by the president of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoyty, at the briefing, which had taken place in Tskhinval after the ceremony of signing the intergovernmental agreement in the field of geological studying and exploring. the depths of earth. "This event will also promote the development of preservation of environmental activities and exploring the depths of earth in South Ossetia", - has emphasized Kokoyty.

He has expressed his gratitude to the Ministry of natural resources and ecology of RF for its attention to the problems of South Ossetia.
"The specialists of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia often visit South Ossetia, consult and render the assistance our specialists. Signing this agreement will promote further more development of interaction between the corresponding departments of our countries", - has noted the Head of the government.
In turn, the minister of natural resources and ecology of RF Yury Trutnev has emphasized that the conclusion of this agreement will allow them to study and. explore natural resources of South Ossetia mutually, .exchange corresponding information and technology.
"Concerning the base of natural resources of South Ossetia, it will be more right to make any conclusions after the joint work. I think, that we shall be able to tell of the results of this work in a year-one and a half", said the minister.
He has also noted that cooperation in the field of natural resources is an important aspect of intergovernmental cooperation between RSO and RF.
"Exploring and underground mines will strengthen the economy, create the additional working places. This is important both for Russia, and for South Ossetia", - has declared Trutnev.
Besides, he has pointed to the possibility of cooperation in the sphere of using water resources, in particular, the potential of Zonkarsky .reservoir.
"We have already examined the dam, which needs reconstruction. The following stage will be preparation of the documents of design and calculation for capital damage control", - has reported Trutnev.
The Minister has also noted the importance of cooperation in the field of development of specifically protected natural territories.
"Creation of the net of trance boundary natural territories promotes their further development, takes care of fauna and flora variety. Russia and South Ossetia are neighbors, we have the common border, we must cooperate together", - has emphasized Trutnev.
We shall remind, that while visiting South Ossetia Trutnev signed the agreement in the field of geological studying and exploring the depths of earth with the Minister of economic development of South Ossetia K. Koliev. Trutnev has also been received by the president of RSO Eduard Kokoyty. The questions of Russian-.South-Ossetian cooperation have also being discussed at the meeting.

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