Eduard Kokoity invites Hugo Chavez to visit South Ossetia

Mon, 28/03/2011 - 12:01

The president of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity has expressed the hope that in a short time the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Hugo Chavez will visit the RSO. He asked the ambassador of Venezuela Hugo Jose Garcia Hernandez, who is now in South Ossetia with a working visit, to send the invitation.

"People of South Ossetia are waiting for a visit of Hugo Chavez very much to express him personally their gratitude and thanks for the courageous step, when after the principle decision of the president of the Russian Federation about the acknowledgement of South Ossetia mister Chaves one of the firsts has acknowledged the independence of South Ossetia", - has said Kokoity. The Ambassador of Venezuela has said in turn that he would send the invitation of Eduard Kokoity to Hugo Chavez.
"Mister President often visits Russia. And if he is in this side of the Atlantic Ocean, that why would he no", - has noted the ambassador.
Also at the meeting it has been offered to cooperate in economic and bank sphere between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
At the meeting of the ambassador of Venezuela Hugo Jose Garcia Hernandez and the president of RSO Eduard Kokoity were also presented the Foreign Secretary of RSO Murat Dzhioev and the ambassador of RSO in the RF Dmitry Medoev.
We shall remind that the plenipotentiary ambassador of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the Republic of South Ossetia mister Hugo Jose Garcia Hernandez is in Tskhinval with working visit. It have been already taken place the meetings with the Foreign Secretary of RSO Murat Dzhioev and the president of RSO Eduard Kokoity within the framework of the visit. Also today it will take place the meeting of the ambassador with the deputies of the Parliament of RSO. The Ambassador Hernandez will stay in the Republic from 24 till March 27, 2011.

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