Rimma Plieva: The worst enemy of the ossetian people is the Georgian fascism

Tue, 26/04/2011 - 11:42

Flash-poll: The Authorities of Georgia offer the people of South Ossetia and Abkhazia the neutral passports (in which the citizenship and the state belonging are not indicated). What is your attitude to such kind of offers?

Alexander Pliev, a physician:
At present, South Ossetia and Georgia have no any diplomatic relations absolutely, that means, Georgia does not exist in political sense for us. If Georgia does not apologize and does not acknowledge South Ossetia, it`s not worth-while to talk to her. One could not have a talk about any passports!

Rimma Plieva, a teacher:
I don't think that the passports, which are offered by Georgia, how the Georgian State Minister on questions of reintegration has declared, will be in demand among the people of South Ossetia. Because, since 2008 not so much time has passed to forget this blood, and how much time is passed, as it's said, how much grass is grown, how much water ran, this pain will remain in the hearts of the ossetian people forever. The ugly attitude of the destructive forces of Georgia will be passed on from one generation to another- for the ossetians know who their enemies are. And knowing that the worst enemy of the ossetian people is the Georgian fascism, existing now, at the point, I am in doubt very much that someone of the rationally thinking ossetians will even think about getting this so-called passport. We do not need it, we have the ossetian passports, we have the Russian citizenship, and when it is necessary, Russia receive us with pleasure and supports us actively in all spheres of life. This is the opinion of all rationally thinking people of South Ossetia. We don`t need these passports!

Irina Khodova, a pensioner:
Whom and for what purpose are in need the georgian passports in South Ossetia, even though it will not be indicated, that they are the georgian ones. We have our documents and also the Russian ones, by which we can leave for Russia or any other country. I don`t understand, why the georgians offer us them. How is it possible to believe people, who say one thing, but do another one? I, personally, don`t trust them and, certainly, I don`t need any passports from the georgians.

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