Kosta Dzugaev: The lack of political reaction to various important events becomes intolerable. Kosta Dzugaev- a state counselor of the President of the RSO- about the activities of the political parties in South Ossetia

Fri, 03/06/2011 - 18:37

The political parties representing the interests of any social groups are the necessary elements of the modern democratic society and the rule created by this society. In this respect our Republic has passed the significant way from the domestic policy development: from the one-party system in the USSR to the modern multi-party system. The activity of the Communist party is historically successive: after the collapse of the CPSU the communists of South Ossetia hold a founding-rehabilitative congress and established their own party, then being included in the Union of the communist parties and nowadays closely connected with "the Zyuganov" Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF).

At the beginning of the political changes the organization «Adaemon nykhas» - popular at that time- de facto also operated as the political party, struggling successfully for power with the regional committee of the communist party of Georgia. Thereupon some parties were established, which at various times displayed the activity and to some extent solving their problems, a great number of our citizens having some experience of political work necessary for the state development passed through these «political machines». Under the President Edward Kokoity, alongside with the Communist party and the party «Fatherland«, the party «Unity« (a leader Zurab Kokoev) and the National party (a leader Kazimir Pliev) have also been established and turned out to be quite viable and accordingly occupied the first and the second places in the Parliament on representation. It is interesting that not any party has the parliamentary majority so they should conform to the key questions. One of the new parties- the Social-democratic party (a leader Dmitry Tasoev), -has conducted a founding congress and has submitted documents on registration, but the Ministry of Justice revealed defects and declined the registration. The party has brought an action; the ultimate authority court has recently refused in registration. Without the legal status, the party nevertheless exists politically and carries out the resonant actions of more and more oppositional nature. Those our citizens who observe the political events, know about the attempts of non- registered political parties, headed by the little-known active workers, to make themselves known. It’s, of course, the reflection of that pre-election political struggle which has been developing in our Republic and also beyond its borders. It’s obvious, that the political opponents of the President, the leadership of the Republic and our state in whole display growing political activity, skillfully organized and directed. On this background the inactivity of the "parties in power" is evident, and is not casual that recently the President has sharply expressed his bewilderment about it. Really, the question is of the vital interests, and not any party had to keep silence in this situation. The lack of political reaction to various important events has taken place earlier, but now it’s becoming intolerable. I think that in the nearest future we are expected the growth of level of the political activity in the Republic and also around it, and people will estimate all group participants of this process on advantage. That party, which manage to express and realise the people requirement of justice - justice in all spheres of life, and first of all serving to the interests of people by fair means-will get support. This party will be able to say its decisive word on the elections of the national leader - the President of the Republic.

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