Eduard Kokoity has congratulated Hugo Chaves on the 200th anniversary of independence

Thu, 07/07/2011 - 13:21

The President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity on behalf of the people of the Republic of South Ossetia and on his behalf has congratulated the President of the Bolivarian Republic Venezuela Hugo Rafael Chaves Frias on the 200th anniversary of Independence of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. In the congratulation telegramme, in particular, is said: «On July, 5, 1811 the National congress which assumed the power in the result of revolt in Caracas in April, 1810, has proclaimed the independence of the country. Today, in two hundred years after the beginning, in Venezuela and in all Latin America the independence is reviving, being adjusted to the new time features, new circumstances, - for the sake of preservation of rich history, unique culture, formation of the powerful and worthy state where should live the future generations - here is that high idea which is taken as a principle of the Independence Day. At all times the love for Native land and indefatigable work of the freedom-loving people of Venezuela provided its progress and made it the mighty and prosperous power.

And today the creative potential of the descendants of Simon Bolivar, fidelity to traditions of friendship and tolerance, unification and patriotism are the basis of success in all future affairs and achievements, support of statehood and democratic development of the society. Dear Commandante Chaves, I am firmly convinced that in many respects thanks to your wisdom, inexhaustible energy and courage Venezuela has gained today the high international prestige. Your name by right became a struggle symbol for a new progressive world order. With the big warmth remembering our meeting and substantial conversations in Caracas, I want to express my confidence that friendship and cooperation relations between our states, based on the general values of freedom justice and equality, will become stronger in future with your active participation. Your Excellency, taking the opportunity, in this significant day I would like to wish you health, firmness and success in your hard work, and I wish the people of Venezuela - peace, prosperity and indestructible unity in struggle for the Bolivarian ideals».

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