The State Unitary Enterprise «The Plant of Building Materials» has been established in South Ossetia. This resolution has been passed today at the RSO government session.In his report the Minister of Economic Development of the RSO Konstantin Koliev has noted with respect to this question, that necessity of the plant creation is explained in accordance with realization of the Investment program of the Republic of South Ossetia.
«Within the limits of the target program of supporting and developing the industry of South Ossetia 100 million roubles is provided to allocate for construction of the plant» , - Koliev has underlined.According to his words, the new plant will be constructed at Komarov Street in Tskhinval, on a place of the former electrical equipment repair.«Reconstruction and major repairs of the old building will be made soon, the necessary equipment for opening and the plant functioningwill also be bought, - the minister has told.As he has said, the factory will manufacture various ferroconcrete items.The question on establishing the State Unitary Enterprise has been unanimously approved by members of the government.