Zalina Tskhovrebova: South Ossetia should actively integrate into the global Russian-speaking space

Tue, 25/06/2013 - 20:19

Chief Editor of the South Ossetian republic newspaper "South Ossetia" Zalina Tskhovrebova participated in the XV World Congress of Russian Press, held June19 - 23 in Minsk (Belarus).

"The Congress, organized by the World Association of Russian Press and the ITAR-TASS news agency, gathered about 300 journalists, editors and publishers from 60 countries. At the sessions of the Congress were discussed the spread of the Russian language, potential prospects and the existing problems. The forum participants discussed the role of Russian foreign media in intercultural dialogue," -Tskhovrebova told the news agency" Res ".
According to the chief editor, the modern world is united or divided by journalists, and the promotion of intercultural dialogue, which takes place in the modern world through journalism, has a great positive significance.
"South Ossetia should actively integrate into the global Russian-speaking space. We can do it, we have such opportunities. Moreover, we attract interest; they want to get more information about us. In the international arena of the Russian media we have a lot of friends and we need to maintain and develop these contacts, to take part in such events. In our history there is a heroic struggle for independence and the unique factor that we have survived, in spite of everything. Strong people, those who consistently defend their position, are respected all over the world, "- said the chief editor.
She has noted that the annual forums of the World Association of Russian Press are attended by editors of the Russian-language media, media tycoons, representing the interests of the vast number of journalists.
"I'm curious to know how my counterparts work, what are they doing. But the key challenge for me is the dissemination of information about South Ossetia, the creation of a positive image of our Republic all over the world - said Tskhovrebova. - They know about the war in South Ossetia, but from the positions of the countries where they work today, their views diverge. Because, the information they have received from the English-language information sources absolutely differs from the information that they received from me. And I think it is important for us to maintain a relationship with these information resources. "
Tskhovrebova has stressed that South Ossetia is interested in the world to know the truth about the Republic.
"I have focused on the fact that our homeland withstood the force and did not violate any international law. We have absolutely equal human rights with other countries. Though the World Association of Russian Press is not involved in politics, and each time it is emphasized, nevertheless, at the plenary sessions the talks turn to politics, "- said Tskhovrebova.
During one of these conversations, also attended by Georgians, they said that Georgia should be integrated geographically.
"One of the well-known Georgian journalists said:" Forget what you mean, the boundary has already been defined; there will not be any further redivision of the Caucasus. So, Georgia should recognize that Abkhazia and South Ossetia are independent states." He said that South Ossetia had deserved it by its consistent struggle for independence, "- said Tskhovrebova.
In her view, the independence of South Ossetia, recognized by Russia, is a major victory of the Ossetian people.
"We need to bring it to our friends all over the world," - she added.
Zalina Tskhovrebova is a member of the World Association of Russian Press for four years.
The World Congress of Russian Press is a large-scale forum, which is held annually in different countries. This year it was attended by over 250 representatives of the Russian diaspora from more than 60 countries- editors, publishers and leading journalists from the Russian abroad.
One of the special events for all participants was the participation in the June 22 memorial events in Brest Fortress, which began at 4.00 am - a time when 72 years ago had started the Great Patriotic War.

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