At the Media Center "Ir" summed up the results of the year

Fri, 27/12/2013 - 13:32

In the capital of South Ossetia was summed up the work of the Media Center "Ir" for 2013. The event was attended by representatives of the media and public organizations. In the beginning of the event, President of the Media Center "Ir" Irina Gagloeva, summing up the year noted that the Media Center had coped with the tasks set in the beginning of the year.

"In the course of our round tables were considered the most interesting and burning events that took place in the Republic: economic and political processes, problems of spiritual and moral education."
Gagloeva has also noted that in the current year were organized trips to the districts of the Republic.
"We held a meeting in the village of Artseu in Tskhinval district - said Gagloeva. - It was very interesting to talk with the villagers; they shared with us their problems and asked to visit them again. We were later asked by residents of the village of Bekmar and Kvaisa to conduct such meetings there, but unfortunately, we could not manage to do it this year. "
As for the future plans in 2014, Gagloeva has assured that the outdoor meetings will be organized in all districts of the Republic, where will be discussed topical issues.
The participants of the meeting have agreed that Media Center "Ir" is the unique discussion forum in the country for today where are discussed various urgent issues.

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