More than 50 observers will monitor the parliamentary elections in South Ossetia

Mon, 02/06/2014 - 17:41

More than 50 international observers are expected to arrive in South Ossetia to monitor the parliamentary elections, said the head of the Central Election Commission Bella Plieva at the briefing in Tskhinval.

According to her, the observers will come from Russia, Abkhazia, Transnistria, North Ossetia, France, Greece, Israel and the United States.
"More than 50 observers have already confirmed their arrival. Besides the CEC, invitations are also sent by the President, Parliament, the government of the Republic", - Plieva said.
The Head of the Central Election Commission has also noted that the CEC Information Center will open in the morning on the election day and will continue its work on June 9.
"The Information Center will be regularly providing the information about the voting process, preliminary results will be announced late at night, the final results- within five days of voting, after the processing of all protocols of all district and territorial election commissions", - explained Plieva.
According to her, the CEC has also completed the work on lists of the Republican candidates.
Plieva has reminded, that from party lists were previously excluded several candidates whose names were not included on the ballot.
"According to the law, the ballots must be printed no later than 25 days before Election Day. We have printed them on time, but after that were the judicial decisions on the restoration of some candidates in the lists. We re-printed the first three Republican lists, which will be pasted in the ballots, "- said Plieva.
She has reported that it has been printed 42 156 ballots. CEC, as explained by the head of the CEC, is based on the number of voters in the presidential elections in March 2012.
"According to the CEC estimates, currently in the list of voters are registered 32 000 636 voters. This is the number of voters in South Ossetia and Moscow, where are registered 340 citizens of the Republic. We have no accurate data on the number of voters in North Ossetia, where is opened additional polling station. They may be entered in the voter lists on the election day. Accordingly, the number of voters will change, "- said Plieva.
The head of the CEC said that as in previous elections, voters' passports will bear a square stamp with the date of voting.
Finally Bella Plieva appealed to the population of the Republic to come to the polls June 8 and make their choice in favor of one of the nine parties participating in the parliamentary elections.

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