Bibilov and Aksenov discussed the development of bilateral relations

Thu, 18/04/2019 - 17:53

President of the Republic of South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov, met with the Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksenov. the press service of the head of state reports.
In the course of the meeting it was discussed the development of bilateral relations.

Sergey Aksenov thanked the delegation of South Ossetia for participating in the significant event for the Crimea - the Yalta International Economic Forum - and noting that the path, traversed by South Ossetia, deserves respect.

“The signing of the Agreement will give a new impetus to the development of our relations, mainly economic. Of course, we will be evaluated on specific results, but I think they will not be long in coming. Today, many guests came to see our opportunities and achievements. I wsh health and success to the people of South Ossetia,” he said.

In turn, Anatoly Bibilov has expressed confidence that the signed agreements would give a strong impetus to the development of bilateral relations.

“The traditional Forum, which is held in Yalta, has already occupied its niche in the series of forums held in Russia and abroad. Every year the number of guests, projects and presentations increases, the Forum is growing, that causes pride, because we consider the Crimea a fraternal republic.

Today, there is already a dynamic in the development of relations, wine production has started in South Ossetia, planting of vineyards is planned last year and this year, serious work is underway. And I think these relations - political, social and cultural - will grow,” said President of South Ossetia.

He congratulated the Crimea on the fifth anniversary of the Crimean Spring and noted the serious attention of the leadership of the Russian Federation to the development of its infrastructure and tourism.

It should be noted that Anatoly Bibilov has arrived in Yalta to participate in the International Economic Forum.

He is accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister - Economic Development Minister Gennady Bekoev, Foreign Minister Dmitry Medoev, Head of the City of Tskhinval Administration Alan Kochiev, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Alan Alborov.

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