Any crime, if it is not condemned by the world community, tends to be repeated, - Speaker

Sat, 03/08/2019 - 15:14

The decision to appeal to the State Duma and the Federation Council of the Russian Federation on the recognition of the genocide of South Ossetians in 1920 was made not only by the Parliament of the 7th convocation, such appeals to the State Duma and the Federation Council of the Russian Federation were also sent by deputies of the South Ossetian Parliament of the IV and V convocations, said the Parliament Speaker Alan Tadtaev.

According to the Speaker, the fact that the actions of the 1920s did not receive a political assessment on time led to the aggression that Georgia committed in subsequent years.

“Any crime, if it is not condemned by the world community, and is not assessed, tends to repeat itself, which is evidenced by repeated aggressions committed by Georgia against the people of South Ossetia in 1989-1992, 2004 and 2008. For so long time Georgia’s illegal actions were not politically assessed. If the genocide of the 1920s was recognized, I think that aggression could be have been avoided in subsequent years, "said Alan Tadtaev, whose words are transmitted on the website of the legislative body.

The decision of the Parliament of the VII convocation on the appeal and recognition of the genocide of South Ossetians, the Speaker believes, has expressed the desire of the Ossetian people to restore historical justice.

“This decision, first of all, is connected precisely with the desire of the Ossetian people to restore the historical justice that we have been striving for many years. Our fathers also sought to recognize our genocide, and we have no right to hush up what happened, but, on the contrary, must convey everything to the world community,” the Speaker emphasized.

According to Tadtaev, the fact that Vyacheslav Volodin reacted so quickly to the appeal of the South Ossetian Parliament once again shows that the State Duma does not disregard the appeals of South Ossetia.

The Speaker expressed gratitude to the Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Vyacheslav Volodin, and noted that the Republic’s Parliament was glad that the document would be considered at the first meeting of the State Duma in September.

“In addition to this appeal, we will attach the package of documents regarding genocide so that MPs and senators of the Federal Assembly study them. Of course, most of the archives containing information about the genocide were deliberately destroyed by Georgians and their associates because they wanted to hide a lot. This is evidenced by the book of Professor Bzarov. In a personal conversation with me, the professor emphasized once again that a large number of materials was destroyed, "the Speaker added.

According to Tadtaev, on the recognition of the genocide of South Ossetians, it is necessary to work not only with the Russian Federation, but also with all countries with which South Ossetia maintains friendly relations.

“Next year we will mark the 100th anniversary of the Ossetian people’s genocide. A number of events are planned to be held. This memorable date should be marked in order to bring the fact of genocide to the world community. The sooner we do this, the sooner our southern neighbors will reduce their ardor and refuse from aggressive rhetoric against South Ossetia, "said Tadtaev.

He also drew attention to the fact that a book by Professor Ruslan Bzarov would soon be published, which would document the fact of genocide.

"We talked with Professor Bzarov and received permission to publish his book, which will contain a lot of material regarding the genocide of the 20th year. He only welcomed our request. The book will reflect precisely the documentary evidence of those events. Bzarov collected a lot of materials about the genocide, since he haв been working in various archives for a long time, including in Moscow. This book will also be distributed to the deputies of the State Duma and the Federation Council, "the Speaker emphasized.

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