Seven violators of the state border in two weeks of November: the KGB on the situation in the border zone

Fri, 29/11/2019 - 17:54

In connection with the attempts of the Georgian power structures to destabilize the situation in the area of ​​the settlement of Vista (Tsnelis), the state border regime is being constantly monitored

From November 14 to November 27, 2019, seven violators of the established legal regimes were detained at various sections of the state border of South Ossetia, the KGB press service reported on Friday.

“Of these: three there are violators of the state border regime, four are the border regime violators,”

the press service said in a statement provided to IA “RES”.

The Border Service of the State Security Committee of the Republic on each fact of violation of legal regimes conducted proceedings.

"As a result of procedural activities, administrative measures were applied to violators of the existing administrative and legal regimes at the state border and explanatory work was carried out. Subsequently, five people were fined, a criminal case was opened against one offender and there is no decision on one yet, " the KGB has noted.

In total, according to the fines paid by violators, the state received money in the amount of 25 000 rubles.

In connection with the attempts of the Georgian power structures to destabilize the situation in the area of ​​the settlement of Uinta (Tsnelis) of Znaur district of South Ossetia, the forces of the forder service of KGB of South Ossetia are constantly monitoring the observance of the state border regime in this direction.

The KGB border service has reminded that in connection with the current situation on the state border, in order to prevent provocations and ensure security on the state border of South Ossetia and Georgia, a decision was made to stop the passage of persons and vehicles at the state border crossing points in a simplified manner: “Razdaekhaen” , “Sinagur” - from 8 p.m. on September 4, 2019 to a special order.

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