Ambassador of South Ossetia to the Russian Federation Znaur Gassiev met on July 29 with Director General of the Russian Library for Foreign Literature Pavel Kuzmin, the Embassy's press service reports.
During the meeting, the head of the diplomatic mission and the Director General of Inostranka expressed their common interest in developing and strengthening cultural relations between South Ossetia and Russia.
“We are very grateful for the meeting. The Library of Foreign Literature pays great attention to our neighbors.
We support different cultures, let them reveal their potential,” Pavel Kuzmin emphasized during the meeting.
The parties discussed the possibility of signing a cooperation agreement between the Embassy and the Library, as well as joint projects and programs, including a series of events dedicated to the Day of Recognition of the Independence of the Republic of South Ossetia by Russia.
“The very word “library” warms. I remember, as a young man, waiting for the next volume of subscriptions to foreign literature - an incredible feeling. It was a window to the whole world. Today communication and friendship with "Inostranka" is worth a lot for us. We see no barriers to signing a cooperation agreement,” Gassiev said.
General Director of "Inostranka" spoke about the library’s promising projects, invited the guests to take part in the "World Bilingual Library of Contemporary Literature" and the "School of a Young Translator".
The Ambassador expressed his interest in these projects.
Joint initiatives on this issue are at the stage of coordination.
In addition, Gassiev invited the Library of Foreign Literature to participate in the South Ossetian initiative - the Bulamarg (Nightingale) award for young poets and prose writers.
On the basis of "Inostranka" they will be able to organize a series of events supporting young authors. Pavel Kuzmin supported this idea and proposed to develop a plan of joint initiatives.
The meeting was also attended by the Embassy Counselor Zara Valieva and Head of the Center for International and Interregional Projects and Programs Elena Solntseva.