A garland of Glory and Memory was laid at the Eternal Flame in Tskhinval

Mon, 08/05/2023 - 17:56

At the Eternal Flame in Tskhinval on the eve of the celebration of the 78th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, a solemn laying of a garland of Glory and Memory took place.

The ceremony was attended by the Republic's leadership headed by Alan Gagloev, the Russian Ambassador to South Ossetia Marat Kulakhmetov, the Parliament deputies headed by Speaker Alan Alborov, representatives of ministries and departments of the Republic, and the public.

The head of state called the Victory Day "really a holiday with tears in the eyes", noting that the Victory was reached by the incredibly high price. .

“The Victory Day is the memory of a great day that marked the end of the war and deliverance from the deadly threat of Nazism. The Great Patriotic War was the most difficult test for the peoples of the Soviet Union. Victory Day is our tribute to the generation that stopped Nazism,” the President said.

Gagloev has noted that more than 20,000 people went to war from South Ossetia - almost all men capable of taking up arms, and more than 18,000 of them did not return.

“For military merits, the sons and daughters of Ossetia received a huge number of awards they deserved. Eight residents of South Ossetia were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union,” the head of state said and asked to honor the memory of those killed on the battlefields with a minute of silence.

The President also noted that "today fascism is rearing its head again."

“South Ossetia had been fighting Georgian Nazism for 30 years, and now in Ukraine Bandera's followers are killing thousands of civilians. On the land of Donbass and Zaporozhye, next to the Russian brothers in arms, the Ossetian warriors are again heroically fighting, among them there are those perished. I wish them to return home safe and sound soon,” the President has stressed.

During the event, Alan Gagloev and Marat Kulakhmetov also laid flowers at the bust of Issa Pliev.

According to the sounds of the songs of the war years, the children presented a small episode from the life of soldiers at the front. It has also been sounded many military-themed songs.

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