More than 50 citizens violated border legislation in a month – the KGB of South Ossetia

Fri, 08/09/2023 - 18:51

In August, 51 violators of border legislation were detained at various sections of the state border of South Ossetia, of which 19 were violators of the state border regime and 32 of the border regime, the KGB press service reports.

“The KGB Border Service conducted the appropriate investigation for each fact of violation of legal regimes. As a result of these procedural activities, 31 people were subjected to the administrative fine totaling 29,500 rubles, two were expelled from South Ossetia, and warnings were issued to eighteen violators,” the press release says. -services.

The KGB has noted that the investigation into the two people is ongoing.

The KGB border service reminded that entry (exit) and stay in the border zone of the Republic are associated with a number of restrictions.

In particular, in the border zone it is prohibited: a) hinder the activities of military personnel of the border authorities and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia when they perform their official duties to protect the state border;

b) Cause disturbances and incite other persons to violate the established order;

c) conduct economic, commercial, research, prospecting and other activities, conduct mass socio-political, cultural and other events without the appropriate permit issued by the border service of the KGB of the Republic of South Ossetia;

d) Be without identification documents and other documents giving the right to stay in the border zone;

e) to transport (pick up) unknown persons and persons without identification documents giving the right to stay in the border zone;

f) Possess and transport firearms and other weapons, ammunition, explosives (poisonous, narcotic) substances without permits (except for persons authorized to do so by the legislation of the Republic of South Ossetia);

g) be in a hundred-meter strip of terrain along the state border without the permission of the head of the nearest subdivision of the border agency (department of the FSB of Russia in the RSO);

h) without the permission of the border authorities, carry out photo and video filming of the border guards, border markers, engineering structures, other facilities of the border authorities, as well as photo and video filming of the territory of the neighboring state;

i) Talk to persons located on the territory of the neighboring state, receive from them or transmit to them any things, (cargo) or signals.

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