Not a single special military operation participant from South Ossetia will be left without the attention of the Russian Federation - Kavitidi

Fri, 13/10/2023 - 21:32

The issue of providing benefits, payments and social support measures to the special military operation participants from South Ossetia and their family members was discussed at the meeting of the Cooperation Commission of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly and Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia.

As noted by Elena Dzhioeva, Chairman of the Committee on Budget and Taxes, the issue of supporting the special military operation participants is still very relevant.

“The leadership of both Russia and South Ossetia is concerned about giving our citizens participating in the special military operation, the opportunity to return to a normal, full life after mobilization. In June, President and Government of the Russian Federation made a number of other important decisions to provide social protection measures and guarantees for the special military operation participants,” said Dzhioeva.

She has also noted that according to the order of the Russian Defense Minister, fighters of volunteer units enter into contracts with the Ministry of Defense, which should give volunteer units the necessary legal status. This means that they will also be subject to social protection measures and guarantees.

But here, according to her, it is not entirely clear whether these measures will apply to citizens of South Ossetia, who also sign contracts with the Russian Ministry of Defense.

“We are working to ensure that upon arrival from the special military operation, participants from South Ossetia are entitled to all the benefits provided for by our law “On Veterans.” The Committee on Defense and Security has developed a corresponding draft, it is now in the government, we are awaiting the conclusion. I believe that this issue is being resolved and not a single citizen of South Ossetia will be deprived of the necessary assistance, both from the Russian Federation and the Republic of South Ossetia,” she emphasized.

Dzhioeva has added that the legislative body cannot pass the bill on veterans, developed by the Parliament, because cannot obtain from the government the necessary data about the participants of the special military operation.

Olga Kavitidi, a member of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building, has emphasized that not a single serviceman will be left without the attention of the Russian Federation.

“First of all, I want to express my sincere gratitude to all Ossetians who are taking part in the special military operation. On behalf of our commission, the upper house of Russia, we would like to thank their mothers, who raised such worthy sons - heroes who today, shoulder to shoulder with the citizens of the Russian Federation, are defending our common security. I would like to note that not a single serviceman will be left without the attention of the Russian Federation,” Kavitidi said.

At the same time, according to her, to provide such assistance it is necessary to know the names of each participant from South Ossetia.

“The South Ossetian side needs to work on compiling the lists of the South Ossetian citizens who are taking part in the special military operation, so that we do everything to support them, this is extremely important. Moreover, we must have a list of all members of their families by name, including those who do not have Russian citizenship, in order to resolve the issue of providing benefits and social support measures to them as well. And these support measures are very serious,” Kavitidi has noted.

A member of the Federation Council Committee drew attention to the fact that the issue of providing benefits and social support measures to the special military operation participants by contacting the relevant Russian authorities will be relevant until the agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of South Ossetia on resolving the issue of dual citizenship comes into force.

“The question was asked whether the benefits would apply to the participants from South Ossetia, and we can answer this question only when we decide on the legal status of the participants of the special military operation,” she has emphasized.

Cavintidi drew attention to the need to finalize the bill on benefits for military personnel who are taking part in the special military operation.

“We expect that this bill will be submitted to Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia as soon as possible. This is extremely important for people. “I am sure that the issue of supporting participants in the military operation and members of their families is a long-term program that should be under the constant control of us, parliamentarians and the government, both from Russia and South Ossetia,” she said.

Sergei Tsekov, a member of the Russian Federation Council Committee on International Affairs, has emphasized that this is a very difficult matter, but the work needs to be done on it.

“For example, at the regional level, we are also doing a lot of work on the special military operation participants. It is reported how many have been called up, how many have died, what the situation is in the families and the help they need. Neither the special military operation participants nor their families feel any indifference on the part of the state. Therefore, you must also regulate this issue here in detail and decide which ministry will deal with this,” Tsekov said.

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