Residents of the border villages in South Ossetia will be warned of responsibility for violating the border legislation

Fri, 09/02/2024 - 17:06

The State Security Committee of South Ossetia invites the heads of rural administrations to intensify explanatory work with the population of the border settlements aimed at preventing violations of the border legislation.

According to the press service of the department, despite the measures taken to prevent the commission of offenses in the field of protecting the state border, the Border Service has noted the facts of non-compliance by individual citizens of the Republic with the rules of entry (passage), temporary stay and movement in the border zone.

"In addition, recently there has been an increase in the facts of livestock grazing by residents of South Ossetia to the Georgian territory, which creates risks of biological infection of animals and the transfer of pathogens in the opposite direction," the statement of the the press service reads.

The KGB has warned about administrative and criminal liability provided for by the legislation of the Republic for committing offenses in the field of protecting the state border.

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