Gagloev congratulated the heads of friendly countries and statesmen of Russia on February 23

Fri, 23/02/2024 - 13:23

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a great holiday that symbolizes the perseverance and courage of all who reliably protect the peace and tranquility of citizens, defend national interests, strengthen the political and economic independence of the country, serve Russia honestly and selflessly and are always ready to defend it. This is stated in the congratulations of President Alan Gagloev to the head of Abkhazia Aslan Bzhania on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

"On this festive day, we remember those who paid their debt to the Motherland at the cost of their lives, and say thank you to all those who serve the Motherland and defend its interests and are an example of courage and patriotism," the President has noted.

On the occasion of the holiday, Alan Gagloev has also congratulated the heads of the DPR and the LPR Denis Pushilin and Leonid Pasechnik, the leader of the PMR Vladimir Krasnoselsky, commander of the 58th Order of Suvorov Combined Arms Army of the Southern Military District Sergei Medvedev, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Lavrov, the Defense Minister of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin.

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