A court in South Ossetia fined three foreigners for violating immigration law

Tue, 28/05/2024 - 15:43

A court in South Ossetia fined three migrant workers for violating the rules of stay on the territory of the Republic, Ministry of Internal Affairs of South Ossetia reported on Tuesday.

Employees of the migration department conduct raids on the places of residence of labor migrants aimed at identifying violations of the migration legislation of the Republic of South Ossetia.

“Inspectors have identified three violations of the rules of stay on the territory of the Republic by foreign citizens. The offenders were subject to administrative fine by the court,” the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs noted.

The Migration Department carries out control over the entry and exit of citizens falling under the category of migrants, and subsequently carries out control and supervisory activities in order to strictly comply with the requirements of migration legislation.

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