South Ossetia can serve as the example for other countries in holding elections - Patrick Poeppel

Sun, 09/06/2024 - 20:00

Many countries can follow the example of South Ossetia in holding democratic elections, Patrick Poppel, the official representative of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic in Austria, an expert at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, said in the CEC press center.

“I am participating as the international observer in the parliamentary election. And it was interesting to see that independent candidates from single-member districts are participating in it,” he has noted. - In most European countries, for example in Austria, where I come from, we only have party candidates/ You set a good example, and many countries can follow it to hold democratic elections. It is important that such a small country as South Ossetia can serve as the example for other countries.”

Poppel has added that by visiting the Republic, he learned more about South Ossetia, its culture and history.

“We now live in the world in which the Western culture is trying to teach everyone else democracy. But we see that Western democracy is only bombs and missiles,” he has noted.

Earlier, Patrick Poppel met with the head of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia, Akhsar Dzhioev, who expressed gratitude for the guest’s interest in political events in the Republic.

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