The South Ossetian Foreign Ministry responded to the statements by some countries about the “non-recognition” of the parliamentary elections in the Republic

Wed, 12/06/2024 - 12:09

Despite the high assessment of international observers on the level of organization of the voting process in the parliamentary elections in South Ossetia, a number of countries, in their traditional manner, spoke out about supporting the so-called territorial integrity of Georgia and non-recognition of the elections.

The South Ossetian Foreign Ministry considered this position to be completely untrue.

“The Republic of South Ossetia is a state recognized by members of the international community, including the Russian Federation, which builds its relations on the basis of equality and mutual respect, non-interference in the sovereign choice of peoples, and has nothing to do with neighboring Georgia,” the statement of the Foreign Ministry reads.

It was noted the intention to further strengthen the statehood of the Republic, including its representative bodies of power, through democratic procedures based on the will of the people.

On June 9, 2024, elections of deputies to the Parliament of the eighth convocation were held in South Ossetia.

About 30 international observers from Russia, Belarus, Abkhazia, and Turkey were monitoring the electoral process. The elections were held in a calm atmosphere in compliance with national legislation and international standards.

Based on the results of processing the protocols of district election commissions, the highest representative body of the Republic will be represented by the political parties “United Ossetia”, “Nykhas”, “People’s Party” and “Communist Party”.

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