The memory of the fallen defenders of Abkhazia was honored in Tskhinval

Thu, 15/08/2024 - 10:19

On the eve of the evening, a commemorative event was held at the Memorial Complex "To Defenders of the Fatherland" in Tskhinval in solidarity with the people of Abkhazia on the 32nd anniversary of the outbreak of the Patriotic War.

The event was attended by employees of the Presidential Executive Office, Ambassador of Abkhazia to South Ossetia Alan Elbakiev, members of Parliament, representatives of the law enforcement agencies, the public, and youth.

On Wednesday Abkhazia marked the Day of Remembrance of the Defenders of the Fatherland. 32 years ago, on this day, August 14, 1992, at the height of the resort season, the units of the Georgian National Guard under the command of Tengiz Kitovani invaded the territory of Abkhazia. A bloody war began which lasted 413 days and ended on September 30 with the victory of the Abkhaz people.

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