Rada Dzagoeva about the development of cooperation between South Ossetia and Russia in the cultural sphere

Wed, 18/09/2024 - 19:07

South Ossetia and Russia are developing cooperation in the cultural sphere; within the framework of the 10th St. Petersburg Forum of United Cultures, the parties confirmed the importance of bilateral relations. As reported by Minister of Culture of the Republic Rada Dzagoeva at the press conference, this year's Forum was an anniversary one, and representatives from 80 countries of the world took part in it.

"Of course, the main event of the Forum this year was the speech of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin at the plenary session. In his speech, Vladimir Vladimirovich outlined the main priorities of the cultural development of the Russian Federation, the values ​​that the Russian Federation adheres to, these are traditional values, this is the heritage of ancestors," she said.

Dzagoeva has reminded that the Forum has also included a meeting between Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Olga Borisovna Lyubimova and all the heads of official foreign delegations, including the delegation of South Ossetia.

Dzagoeva has added that her speech on the topic took place at the Forum platform: "Prospects for International cultural cooperation", where she once again confirmed South Ossetia's readiness for cultural cooperation with the Russian Federation.

"Our relations, cooperation in the field of culture with Russia are already more than 15 years old. In 2010, the cooperation agreement with Ministry of Culture of Russia was signed. I would like to note that in recent years, the work in this area has noticeably intensified which cannot but please. The Russian Federation and Ministry of Culture involve us in all significant projects that are being implemented in Russia," she said.

According to her, creative groups from South Ossetia participate in many festivals, the Republic's theater has been a participant in the "Bolshie Gastroli" project for several years, and the state Song and Dance Group "Simd" has become a participant in the all-Russian project "We are Russia" since this year.

"Last year, again on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg Forum, we signed a cooperation program for three years: 2024-2026, and within the framework of this program we were able to implement many interesting projects. We are closely intertwined with the Russian Federation in all areas," she said.

The forum was held from September 11 to 14 in St. Petersburg, as part of the business program, panel discussions and round tables were held to discuss the issues in the field of cultural policy and the development of international cooperation. Rada Dzagoeva took part in the large-scale event at the invitation of Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Olga Lyubimova.

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