We are committed to constructive and fruitful work with Abkhazia — Gagloev

Mon, 30/09/2024 - 23:25

President of South Ossetia Alan Gagloev met with Ambassador of Abkhazia to the Republic Alan Elbakiev, the press service of the head of state reported.

Gagloev warmly greeted the diplomat and congratulated him on the national holiday of the Republic of Abkhazia – the Victory and Independence Day.

"Today, our fraternal republic, the people of Abkhazia are celebrating the main national holiday – the Victory and Independence Day.

We have sent a congratulatory address to the fraternal republic. We would like to congratulate you on this significant day and ask you to convey our sincere wishes for goodness, peace and prosperity to all the people of the Republic of Abkhazia.

We are closely cooperating with the leadership and embassy of Abkhazia, and are committed to constructive and fruitful work. The South Ossetian side will always support the brotherly people. Please convey warm greetings to Aslan Georgievich and the entire Abkhazian people,” Alan Gagloev said.

Alan Elbakiev, in turn, thanked the President for the warm welcome, despite his busy schedule.

“The Abkhazian people are celebrating the main state holiday – the Victory and Independence Day.

They say in Abkhazia that without Victory Day there would be no Independence Recognition Day. In order for the hour of Victory to come, it was necessary to go through difficult trials.

The best sons of Abkhazia gave their lives for the freedom and independence of the republic. Among them were soldiers from the fraternal Caucasian republics and, of course, from South Ossetia. The brave sons of the South Ossetian state laid down their lives for the bright future of Abkhazia.

Abkhazia remembers the exploits of volunteers from South Ossetia. In the fraternal republic, there are still legends about the brave deeds of the South Ossetian fighters. Their names are remembered and honored. The people of Abkhazia are immensely grateful to the Ossetian people for raising courageous warriors,” the diplomat has noted.

He has also emphasized that today the military traditions are continued by a generation of young courageous fighters.

“Together with representatives from fraternal states, the Ossetians are fighting fascism for our traditional values, the future of children and a just world. Eternal memory to the heroes.

Thanks to your joint efforts with Aslan Georgievich, relations between the two states are at an incredibly high level.

I am confident that they will continue to develop dynamically for the benefit of the fraternal republics. Peace and prosperity to our states,” Alan Elbakiev said.

Foreign Minister Akhsar Dzhioyev also took part in the meeting.

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