The Central Election Committee of South Ossetia accepted a package of documents from a group of citizens, nominating Vice-Speaker of the Parliament of South Ossetia Yuri Dzitstsoity as the presidential candidate in the upcoming elections on March 25. As reported to IA " Res" by the representative of the CEC of the Republic "these documents will be reviewed within five days, then a decision on registration or refusal of registration the initiative group on nominating Yuri Dzitstsoity as the presidential candidate will be made. In case of registration the initiative group will receive a certificate of registration, which will enable it to collect signatures in support of their candidate," Earlier, the CEC of South Ossetia has already registered two initiative groups nominating Deputy Defense Minister Igor Alborov and ex-Chairman of the State Committee of Information, Communication and Mass Media of South Ossetia Kabisov Georgy as the presidential candidates.