Инга Чехоева

The disabled of the liberation wars in South Ossetia and Abkhazia will sign a cooperation agreement

27/10/2015 - 10:53

The non-governmental "Foundation for protection of the wounded disabled during the 1989-2008 hostilities on the territory of South Ossetia," and the "Foundation of the disabled of the Patriotic War in Abkhazia" will sign a cooperation agreement.
According to the President of the South Ossetian Foundation of the disabled Madina Plieva, "the agreement provides for cooperation mainly in the humanitarian sphere. Abkhazians will assist in prosthetics for our disabled war veterans. People with disabilities, kids of the fallen heroes will be able to rest in health resorts of the fraternal Republic. The agreement also provides for cooperation in other areas..

The staff of the Embassy of South Ossetia in the Russian Federation took part in the discussion of the problems of teaching at the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples

26/10/2015 - 20:15

On the invitation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation the staff of the Embassy of South Ossetia in Russia took part in the round table "Learning and teaching Russian language and literature in the post-Soviet Union countries: problems and prospects".
According to the press service of the South Ossetian diplomatic mission, "the event was held at the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples. During the round table were made reports by representatives of South Ossetia, Armenia, Abkhazia, Transdniestria, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan.
Counselor of the Embassy of South Ossetia Inga Kochieva in her speech thanked the staff of the diplomatic mission for the invitation of the South Ossetian teachers to take part in the round table and wished the organizers every success in further activities. "
During the round table were also discussed various topics, including "problems of teaching Russian language and literature at schools and universities of the post- Soviet Union countries", "the Russian language as an instrument to open up a wide choice of opportunities for accession to the Russian and world culture," and other issues.
After the meeting on the invitation of Znaur Gassiev the teachers from South Ossetia Elvira Magkoeva, Alla Muldarova and Tamara Tuaeva visited the Embassy of South Ossetia in Moscow, where they were presented with keepsakes".

South Ossetia hopes for a just solution of The Hague court on the events of August 2008 in South Ossetia - Deputy Foreign Minister of South Ossetia Alan Kochiev

18/10/2015 - 08:47

In South Ossetia hope that the International Criminal Court will be impartial when considering the events of August 2008 in South Ossetia on the subject of war crimes, said Deputy Foreign Minister of South Ossetia Alan Kochiev.
"We are open and willing to cooperate and if necessary, we can provide all the materials on the events of the August war," - he added.

The Deputy Minister has noted that in South Ossetia, «to put it mildly, were surprised that the International Court of Justice attended to address violations of rights of citizens of both South Ossetia and Georgia in 2008, only seven years after the events."

"There are a lot of criminal cases that have been filed since August 2008 on the applications of citizens of South Ossetia, but unfortunately, the International Criminal Court did not even try to start to consider them in due course," - he explained.

Alan Kochiev has reminded that in 2008 it was Georgia that attacked South Ossetia, and unleashed the war.
"Residents of the Georgian enclaves in those days left their homes not for the reason that South Ossetian citizens and militia forced them to do it, as has said the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, but because the Georgian authorities deliberately applied efforts to take these people from the territory on which they were about to open fire, "- he stressed.

Commenting the head of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia Thea Tsulukiani on investigation by the Hague tribunal the events of August 2008, in which she hoped that "the Hague prosecutor can conduct investigative activities in the occupied territories", since the occupied territories are inaccessible for Georgia, the Deputy Minister said, that the question itself is incorrect.
"On one of the rounds of the Geneva discussions were invited experts on international law. They said that South Ossetia is an independent state, existing for 25 years. There are all attributes of the statehood - the government: the legislative and the executive powers. - With regard to the visit to South Ossetia by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Fatou Bensouda, she may apply to the relevant competent authorities to obtain permission to enter our country to commit relevant proceedings. "

A week ago, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague Fatou Bensouda applied for permission to proceed with an investigation about possible war crimes committed during the August 2008 armed conflict in South Ossetia.

Raul Khajimba met with the disabled veterans of Liberation War in South Ossetia

30/09/2015 - 15:24

September 29, President of the Republic of Abkhazia Raul Khajimba received disabled veterans of liberation war in South Ossetia, headed by the President of the "Fund to protect the wounded, disabled during the hostilities on the territory of South Ossetia in 1989-2008" Madina Plieva.
The South Ossetian delegation arrived in Sukhum to celebrate Independence Day and the 22nd anniversary of the victory of the Abkhaz people in the 1992-1993 war on the invitation of the "Fund of disabled veterans of the 1992-1993 Patriotic War of the Abkhaz Nation".
The meeting was also attended by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Abkhazia Vitaly Gabniya,
According to Madina Plieva, during the meeting were discussed problems of the amputees.
"Raul Khajimba offered to consider the issues of persons with disabilities at the prosthetics center in Gagra. The President has also instructed to study the issue of rehabilitation of the disabled citizens of South Ossetia in the Abkhaz sanitaria and health resorts ", - she said.
During the visit it is also planned to sign a cooperation agreement between the President of the "Fund to protect the wounded, disabled during the hostilities on the territory of South Ossetia in 1989-2008" and the "Fund of disabled veterans of the 1992-1993 Patriotic War of the Abkhaz Nation."
In an interview with the news agency "Res" the Chairman of the Association of Disabled Veterans of the 1992-1993 Patriotic War of the Abkhaz Nation in Sukhum and Sukhum district Timur Zantariya has noted that the Abkhazian war and the heroes who gave their lives in the struggle for independence will remain in the memory of the Abkhaz people for ever.
"Every stone, every blade of grass remembers the pain and suffering of the fallen soldiers. We lost many guys - I'm very happy to have met with the South-Ossetian guys, with Madina Plieva. We have a common fate. We had one common enemy, and we were able to overpower it. "
He has added that the Fund of the Abkhaz war invalids has the projects that can be implemented in cooperation with the South Ossetian Fund of the wounded.
On the same day, representatives of the two organizations laid flowers and wreaths on the graves of the Abkhaz presidents Vladislav Ardzimba and Sergey Bagapsh.
Today, the South Ossetian delegation will take part in the festivities and celebrations on the occasion of the 22nd anniversary of the victory of the Abkhaz people in the 1992-1993 war.

In South Ossetia has been marked the Day of the Missing

31/08/2015 - 11:55

The photo exhibition dedicated to the persons to be missing in South Ossetia "Memories of a lifetime", has been opened today on the Day of the Missing in the Concert Hall "Chermen."
At the exhibition were presented photos from the same book, in which are published stories told by relatives of the missing. The book was published in 2014 in Russian. In 2015, the publication has been translated into Ossetian language and released. These books were also presented at the exhibition.
The photo exhibition was organized by the Department for the Missing headed by Lydia Kudzieva under the South Ossetian public organization "Memory", with the assistance of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
The event was attended by relatives of the persons to be missing during the 1989- 2008Georgian aggression , the ICRC representatives, Vice Premier of South Ossetia Eric Pukhaev, Speaker of the South Ossetian Parliament Anatoly Bibilov, Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy of South Ossetia for post-conflict settlement Murat Dzhioev, Presidential Adviser for Social Affairs Rodion Siukaev, Presidential Commissioner of South Ossetia for Human Rights Inal Tasoev, Rector of the South Ossetian State University Vadim Tedeev, the government officials and parliamentarians.
Opening the event, Lidia Kudzieva has noted that all the relatives of the missing persons live in hope that someone will clarify the fate of their loved ones.
"Over the past five years a lot has been done. There have been several exhumations, systematic information about the missing. Thanks to the efforts of the Red Cross, many families have received food assistance, and participated in its microeconomic programs. The ICRC regularly organizes commemorative events ", - she said, expressing gratitude to the leadership of the mission and its staff for their full support.
Kudzieva has also expressed gratitude to the President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov, as well as to the Presidential Commissioner of South Ossetia for Human Rights Inal Tasoev.
In turn, a brother of one of the missing person Makhar Tedeev has noted that the relatives of the missing persons, live in hope "to get at least some news about them."
"Today I can proudly say what courageous, patriotic, brave were those guys who were ready to give their lives for their country, for freedom, for independence, for the safety of their loved ones. They are real heroes, "- he said.
Deputy of the South Ossetian Parliament Rosa Valieva wished the relatives of the missing patience, endurance, strength and health.
"On the eve of celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Republic, you must not think that we will forget about those who perished and are missing. They will always be in our hearts, during the celebrations, dedicated to our young republic, - she said. - Thank you for your heroism, because you have not lost heart. "
Presidential Envoy Murat Dzhioev has expressed support to the relatives of the persons whose fate is still unknown, noting that the leadership of the Republic is constantly working to seek for any information about the missing persons.
The head of the ICRC mission in South Ossetia Jan Mishkots expressed his solidarity with the families of the persons to be missing in South Ossetia and around the world.
"When people are missing, there are two victims. Those who are missing and their families, friends, who live in despair and hope, with the pain of waiting for the news for many years ", - he said.
Mishkots told about the assistance provided by the mission to the families of the missing persons.
"The ICRC will spare no effort to assist and support the families in their difficult situation and to assist the authorities to find the answers for the families of the missing."
The ICRC representative Marina Tedety expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic and the management of the cinema and concert hall "Chermen" for their support for the event.
At the end of the meeting, participants of the event were presented a documentary film about the creation of the book "Memories of a lifetime."
Today, in the cinema and concert Hall "Chermen" took place a screening of the movie "Water seekers", dedicated to the problem of the missing persons.
It should be noted that as a result of the 1989 -1992 Georgian aggression, more than 140 residents of South Ossetia are listed to be missing.

South Ossetia took part in the festival «Guenos» in Abkhazia

30/08/2015 - 19:04

South Ossetian vocalists performed at the First International youth festival of modern art, culture and creativity «Guenos», held in Ochamchire district of Abkhazia, August 22 - 27.

The festival participants were a teacher of the Tskhinval musical college, the Honored Artist of the Republic of South Ossetia Nina Gatikoeva and the college student Alim Beteev.

As the news agency "Res" has been informed at the press service of the Ministry of Culture of South Ossetia, South Ossetian delegation arrived to the festival only on the second day after the opening, as for a few days Transcaucasian highway was closed to travel because of the landslip.

On the same day Alim Beteev performed at the concert and became the winner of the festival.

August 26, Nina Gatikoeva performed at a gala concert of the festival, dedicated to the Day of recognition of independence of Abkhazia. At the gala concert also performed sisters Berzeniya from St. Petersburg and the Abkhaz musicians. Before the start of the gala concert were awarded the nominees of the festival.

As part of the closing of the festival it was held a briefing with the press attaché of the Ministry of Culture of the RSO.

For the participants of the festival were organized tours of the city of Sukhum and the Lake Riza.

The festival was organized by the Youth Department of the Administration of the Ochamchira district and the public organization "Youth Center« Guenos", supported by the leadership of Abkhazia.

The main purpose of the event is to preserve the national culture, expressed in songs, dances, art. The festival was also attended by representatives of the Abkhaz diaspora in Turkey, young talents from Russia.

August 26 the South Ossetian delegation on the invitation of the Ochamchira district administration, also participated in the celebrations of the Day of the recognition of Abkhazia's independence.

The delegation laid flowers at the monument to soldiers who died during the Patriotic War of Abkhazia in the Park of Glory of Sukhum, the Memorial to the first President of the Republic of Abkhazia Vladislav Ardzinba in the village of Escher in Sukhum district and the tomb of the second President of Abkhazia Sergei Bagapsh in the village of Dzhgyarda in Ochamchira District.

August 28, the South Ossetian delegation was also received by the head of the Administration of the Ochamchira district Hrips Jopua. He thanked the representatives of the Republic and presented them commemorative gifts.

South Ossetia and Russia have exchanged instruments of ratification

31/07/2015 - 16:44

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of South Ossetia to the Russian Federation Znaur Gassiev and State Secretary - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Grigory Karasin have exchanged instruments of ratification of the Agreement on Alliance and Integration between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation,
As IA "Res" was informed at the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia, "in accordance with Article 14, the Treaty entered into force from the date of exchange of instruments of ratification".
The ceremony took place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

The Agreement on Alliance and Integration between South Ossetia and Russia was signed March 18, 2015 by the presidents of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In Moscow will be opened the exhibition of young artists of South Ossetia "Contemporaries of the Republic"

30/07/2015 - 13:02

Today, as part of the third season of the Annual August Festival "South Ossetia" in the Moscow Exhibition Hall "Gallery AZ" opens an exhibition of three young artists from South Ossetia. Young painters Dzerassa Gagloyeva, Valeria Kumaritova and Sabina Eyhorst are contemporaries of South Ossetia, which this year will celebrate the 25th anniversary of proclamation of the Republic.
As the curator of the project Tsopan Gassiev told the news agency "Res", the paintings of the young artists will be presented for the first time on such a serious platform.
"The paintings are very interesting - vivid, bright, beautiful," - he said.
Dzerassa Gagloyeva is a graduate of the South Ossetian State Lyceum of Arts and the faculty of "Arts" of the North Ossetian State University.
Valeria Kumaritova also graduated from the faculty of "Arts" of the North Ossetian State University.
Sabina Eyhorst is a graduate of the South Ossetian State Lyceum of Arts, as well as the
Moscow State University of Design and Technology, Department of Interior Design.
The exhibition will be held from July 30 to August 9.
As part of the annual August festival in Moscow, the exhibition "Gallery AZ" is held for the third time.
Last season, as part of the festival was presented a personal exhibition of the talented Ossetian sculptor Dmitry Tomaev (1953-1989) "The soul of stone," and in 2013 an exhibition of the National artist of South Ossetia Khsar Gassiev "Before the Dawn".
"Gallery A3" - is the oldest gallery in Moscow, where are exhibited paintings of many well-known painters.

Amaga Gotti is preparing a solo program with the conductor of the Mariinsky Theatre

24/07/2015 - 16:48

Honored Artist of South and North Ossetia Amaga Gotti together with the conductor of the Mariinsky Theatre Alexander Vikulov, is preparing a new solo program.
As reported to the news agency "Res" by the opera singer, soon will be determined the venue for the recital.

To date, the singer was auditioned by Larisa Gergieva at the Mariinsky Theater. She also attends master classes and performances.
"I want to express my gratitude to Larisa Gergieva. During the lessons I received a lot of new knowledge and skills that will allow me to work more professionally with my voice and discover its possibilities ", - she said.

Amaga Gotti has also expressed gratitude to our compatriot, the concertmaster of Mariinsky Theatre Zarina Dzhatieva.

The opera singer has also met with a representative of North Ossetia-Alania in the North-West Federal District Boris Gazalov and representatives of the St. Petersburg Association, led by the Chairman Peter Naniev.
"During the meeting were discussed my creative projects. We were talking about the cultural potential in Ossetia, its development ", - added the opera singer.
