Today the regular session of the Presidium took place in the Parliament of South Ossetia Republic. Its has been conducted by the Chairman of the Parliament of South Ossetia Republic Znaur Gassiev.
The chairman of the committee on education, science, culture, religion and mass-media of the Parliament of South Ossetia Republic Nugzar Bakayev has brought out 2 questions for the discussion of the members of the presidium : the project of the Law « About the archival business in South Ossetia Republic \" and \" About the modification of the Law « About the highest and post-college vocational education ».
The deputies also have considered the projects of the Laws of South Ossetia Republic « About the consumers\" cooperative society in South Ossetia Republic » and « About the companies of the proprietors of habitation », prepared by the committee on the budget. The chairman of the committee Shurvan Kokoev has suggested the deputies to consider the Regulations about the Diploma of the Parliament of South Ossetia Republic.
By the Diploma of the Parliament will be awarded the citizens and the organizations for the essential contribution into the development of lawmaking of South Ossetia Republic, the maintenance of rights and freedom of the citizens of South Ossetia Republic, the strengthening of democracy and constitutional building in South Ossetia Republic.
The chief of the Main Archival administration of South Ossetia Republic Khetag Tadtaev, and also the Minister of Justice Merab Chigoev have taken part in the discussion of the questions.
The considered questions will be brought out for discussion on the regular session of the Parliament of South Ossetia Republic.