Tue, 23/01/2007 - 11:25

The first vice-president of the Government of South Ossetia Republic,the Co-chairman of the Mixed Supervisory Commission from the South-Ossetian party Boris Chochiev has sent a letter to the Charge d\"Affaires ad interim in affairs of Russia in Georgia Ivan Volynkin,to the ambassador of the USA in Georgia John Teft, to the ambassador of Great Britain in Georgia Donald MacLaren,to the ambassador of France in Georgia Phillip Lefor,to the ambassador of Germany in Georgia Mrs. Patrisia Flor,to the ambassador of Italy in Georgia Fabricio Romano, to the Head of the Mission of OSCE in Georgia Roy Riv and to the Head of the Delegation of the Eurocommission in Georgia and Armenia Pierre Eklundu.
In the letter, in particular, it is spoken: \"On December, 15th, 2006 in the sent letter № 234 has been expressed the concern of the management of South Ossetia Republic on occasion of the proceeding oppression of the ossetian national minority in Georgia.
The special indignation causes that fact, that in this case the interests of the ossetian children of the village Bolkvi of the Lagodehskiy area of Georgia have been sacrificed to the crazy idea of creation of the mononational Georgian state with parallel assimilation of national minorities. The deprivation of the ossetian children,living in Georgia,of the opportunities of studying the ossetian language and of receiving education in that language in which they can master the curriculum, we cannot regard differently as a rough infringement of the children\"s rights, the violation of the international Convention on the child\"s rights. The details of the business are stated in our above-mentioned letter.
In the same place it is told, that, considering, that in the settlement Bolkvi, after the mass exile of the ossetians in 1991-1992, there remains about 300 families and the destiny of the ossetians, living in Georgia, is not different to the authorities of South Ossetia, the President of South Ossetia Republic Eduard Dzhabeevich Kokoyty has initiated to finance the overhaul of the school of the village Bolkvi and to put the school on a full budgetary financing of South Ossetia. In connection with the fact, that there is no corresponding reaction to the stated in our letter, we repeatedly address to you with an appeal to bring our initiative to your management and to the international community and to convince the Georgian party to accept the given offer of the President of South Ossetia Republic Eduard Dzhabeevich Kokoyty\".
The Information-analytical department of the South-Ossetian part of the Mixed Supervisory Commission

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