The Georgian special services have fired the village Kvatetri of Znaur region of South Ossetia Republic

Fri, 16/03/2007 - 10:55

Tonight, at 6:45 a.m., the four cars "UAZ" with the Georgian special services, roughly 15-16 persons, having driven to the village Kvatetri of Znaur region of South Ossetia Republic, have opened fire on the village from the automatic weapon and the machine gun. After the beginning of transportation of the staff of the forces of self-defence of South Ossetia Republic to the village Kvatetri, the cars have returned on the Georgian territory. The correspondent of «Res» was informed about it at the Ministry of Defence of South Ossetia Republic. Despite all the efforts, undertaken for settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict, the special services of Georgia do not leave the attempts in any way to destabilize the situation in South Ossetia Republic.
That promotes the aggravation of the intense situation in the zone of the conflict and proves that the management of Georgia, in words calling to peace settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict, in practice aspires to renewal of the active operations.
At present the military observers of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces and the representatives of OSCE work at the place of the incident.

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