Boris Chochiev: «The behaviour of Mr. Antadze causes bewilderment, and his categorical and frankly misinforming messages do not promote to positive process»

Thu, 07/06/2007 - 09:50

The co-chairman of the Georgian part of JCC Merab Antadze has sent a letter to the co-chairmen of JCC with the offer to hold a working meeting of JCC in the nearest future, in which it is told, that the Georgian party « expresses extreme concern » in connection with the situation, that has developed as itself in the zone of the conflict with South Ossetia, so in the adjoining it areas of Georgia. In this connection the correspondent of «Res» has addressed the co-chairman of the south-ossetian part of JCC Boris Chochiev. «The information of the state minister of Georgia on settlement of conflicts Merab Antadze with the offer on holding a meeting is more than strange. The ossetian party already the second month suggests holding such a meeting but the Georgian party remains silent. The Russian and the North-Ossetian parties have answered our last offer and arrive in Tskhinval for discussion of the developed situation. The behaviour of Mr. Antadze causes bewilderment, and his categorical and frankly misinforming messages do not promote to positive process», Boris Chochiev has told.

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