Eduard Kokojty: «Saakashvili will feel disappointment in the United Nations»

Wed, 26/09/2007 - 13:28

In the Republic of South Ossetia they have negatively regarded the fact of giving an opportunity of performance to the president of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili at the 62-d session of the General assembly of the United Nations. In this occasion the correspondent of the agency «Res» has addressed the president of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokojty for comment:
«Saakashvili does not cause any more the former interest outside Georgia. The themes of his performances at the international forums has become traditional as the plots of the georgian drinking toasts: a curtsey to the western friends, the story about the kind intentions concerning the ossetians and the abkhazians, the complaints on Russia and the final appeal to use all the influence of the world community, that is the western sponsors so that to intimidate Russia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
In the way of preparation for the trip to the General Assembly a large amount of work has been done in Georgia. They displayed the rocket fragments at Tsitelubani, recorded the flights of the unidentified, but a priori the Russian flying objects, conducted touching debates with their own hand appointed Kurta administration with what a super Euro autonomy they will award the ossetians, arranged armed provocations and subversive terrorist acts in South Ossetia and on the abkhazian territory, struggled with the corrupted counter-revolutionaries, that only recently had been true revolutionary colleagues, and many other things.
The most part of this multiplane work will find reflection in the performance of the georgian leader from the tribune of the General Assembly of the United Nations, in which will necessarily sound about the Kurta experiment, the necessity of demilitarization, about the bad peacemakers and the necessity of replacement them with good ones, about the imaginary terrorist threats, about the danger, that threatens the peace Georgia from the sky by the Russian planes and about the necessity of its neutralization. It will be spoken about the necessity to put an end to the frozen conflicts and about the insufficiency of efforts of the United Nations in this direction.
No doubt that Georgia has more opportunities to perform from high tribunes than South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Georgia makes all the efforts not to give an opportunity to the ossetians and the abkhazians to inform the international community. However, despite the skill of Saakashvili as regards to PR (public relations) and the made by Tbilisi efforts, the actions of Georgia even more often meet criticism abroad, though it would be excessive to tell, that in the West they are most of all anxious by the fact that under cover of peaceful rhetoric Georgia wages undeclared subversive and terrorist war against South Ossetia and Abkhazia, that the human rights and the rights of national minorities are roughly violated, that Georgia ignores all the offers and initiatives on peace settlement, originating from Tskhinval and Sukhum.
However the expectations of Tbilisi on support from the United Nations are obviously overestimated. Recently critical enough statements on the occasion of actions of Tbilisi on the abkhazian direction have sounded from the United Nations. Saakashvili in response has accused Pan Gi Moon in immorality and feebleness of his recommendations. Such exceptional incorrectness in statements in relation to a dear international organization evidently shows, that things do not go too well with Georgia», Eduard Kokojty has told.

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