Head of Border-guard Department of the RF FSB in RSO Alexander Murzin: “If we have our shoulder straps on, we should always be ready for any surprise”

Mon, 18/05/2009 - 14:16

The process of restoration of re-establishment of border-guard units is ongoing”, reported the Head of Border-guard Department of Russia’s FSB in South Ossetia Col. Alexander Murzin at the press-conference in Tskhinval.
“We have already started our duties at certain sector, which the Border-guard service is responsible for. Presently, 6 border-guard units are simultaneously at their locations of deployment”, said Murzin.

As to general political situation and possible provocations by Georgia, Murzin said that “if we have our shoulder straps on, we should always be ready for any surprise, and we are ready. We are guided primarily by the agreement on protection of state borders between the RSO and the RF signed on 30 April. In accordance with this agreement, we follow the legislature of the Russian Federation, and the legal norms, which are valid for us in Russia, are valid here.”
“According to this agreement, the Russian side committed itself to prepare a well trained staff for border-guarding in South Ossetia. In the future, as the structure develops, the Russian side will had over the duties and responsibilities to the South Ossetian side”, added Murzin.

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