Boris Chochiev: South Ossetia does not need meetings for the sake of having them

Thu, 03/06/2010 - 13:19

South Ossetia is going to raise at the forthcoming round of discussions in Geneva on security in South Caucasus the issue of Georgia's fulfillment of Medvedev-Sarkozy agreements. "The Georgian delegation backed by its supporters, the Co-Chairs of Geneva discussions and the United States delegation, tries to avoid the discussion of legally-binding document on non-use of force against South Ossetia and Abkhazia", stated the head of the South Ossetian delegation to Geneva discussions, Plenipotentiary for Post-Conflict Settlement Boris Chochiev. He assess the categorical refusal of the Georgian authorities to sign this document with South Ossetia and Abkhazia as a violation of Medvedev-Sarkozy agreements.

"Georgia and the states that support Georgia try to impose the signing of this document on Russia, while they forget that in accordance with Medvedev-Sarkozy agreements, neither South Ossetia nor Russia are obliged to give the guarantees of non-use of force", underscored the Post-Conflict Plenipotentiary.
For South Ossetia, the problem with South Ossetian citizens abducted by Georgian law enforcement bodies is the second issue on the priority list for Geneva discussions. Chochiev stated that SOuth Ossetia gave another chance to Georgia and the Co-Chairs of Geneva discussions, as well as the EU Monitoring Mission (EUMM), by agreeing on resumption of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM). "Today, the IMPRM meeting is taking place in the Georgian village of Ergenti, located in the area adjacent to the borderline with South Ossetia, where information of the Council of Europe High Commissioner for Human Rights Tomas Hammarberg on the fate of our citizens is to be presented. The future of the IPRM meetings depends on the information that we will received at today's meeting. We do not meetings for the sake of just having them", concluded Chochiev.
The 11th round of Geneva discussions on security in South Ossetia is starting 8 June.

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