Georgian armed forces wounded a South Ossetian citizen

Wed, 16/06/2010 - 14:49

A citizen of South Ossetia, Anatoly Kisiev, was wounded in the borderline village of Diseu (Tskhinvali district). As reported by duty officer of the RSO MoI, Kisiev and his son were shot at by Georgian policemen at the checkpoint deployed in the village of Koshki (Georgia). " A group of men in uniforms and balaclavas, armed with machine guns shot at Kisiev and his son in the outskirts of Diseu village. Kisiev received three wounds and was urgently evacuated to the Republican Hospital in Tskhinval", reported the Interior Ministry.

They also reported, that the 15-year old son of Kisiev, Rober Kisiev, was seized and beaten up by the Georgian policemen, and released soon after. "The law enforcement bodies of South Ossetia are conducting the investigation of this incident", reported the Interior Ministry.

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