Potable Water Reservoir Under Rehabilitation in Dzau District of South Ossetia

Wed, 13/10/2010 - 18:01

Potable water reservoir are under rehabilitation in Dzau district of South Ossetia. The reservoir was destroyed by the 1991 earthquake, reported the Head of district administration Pavell Kumaritov.

He explained that the "rehabilitation of the reservoir is a part of the reconstruction of " Edis – Tskhinval water pipeline. "
Additionally, the foreman of construction organization from the Chelyabinsk region "Spetsomontazh-Zapad" implementing the project Alexander Kochev reported to IA" Res "that the works are actively ongoing".
"The damming and the walls of the pool are made of concrete, and inside it, two large reservoirs will be installed. Currently, the iron and fitting foundation is ready. It will filled in with concrete and then the reservoirs will be placed on it as the basis ", told Kochev.
The rehabilitation of the reservoir in Dzau district is of great importance for potable water supply in the village of Dzau and for increase of water inflow of Tskhinval town water pieline.
According to Kochev, the project envisages that Dzau district is earthquake-prone. He stressed that "any leakage of water from the reservoir is excluded".
It is worth noting that "Southern Directorate for implementation of programs and projects" is the customer of the project for construction of reservoirs at Edis-Tskhinval water pipeline.

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