Georgian Foreign Ministry Misinforms Its People

Fri, 22/10/2010 - 14:18

The Georgian leadership has once again misinformed its citizens regarding the outcome of the last 13 round of Geneva talks, says the head of the South Ossetian delegation to the Geneva discussions Boris Chochiev.
As the press service of the South Ossetian President's Plenipotentiary reports, the Georgian Foreign Ministry released a statement where the Georgian side announced its "heroic success".
"The Georgian authorities have no support among their people and, being afraid to tell the truth, they tried to present a wishful state of affairs", the press service quotes the official.
"The statement is aimed at misinforming the Georgian people. We could have expected this, since the Georgian delegation to the Geneva discussions failed to defend any of the issues discussed. The representative of Saakashvili regime, one of the authors and developers of the plan "Clear Field", Bokeria and members of his team, when they had nothing else to say in response to the South Ossetian side's readiness to return residents of Leningor district of South Ossetia to their homes, showed their protest and ostentatiously walked out. By doing so, they showed that Georgia does not care about the fate of refugees, and for them it is an opportunity to manipulate the refugee problem for political ends ", says Boris Chochiev.

Boris Chochiev says that the statement of the Georgian Foreign Ministry had also actively promoted the issue of relocation of the border checkpoint in the village of Perevi, as if this was discussed at the 13th round of the Geneva discussions.
"At the 13th round, the Russian side has just informed the audience about the decision to move the border chekcpoint. This issue was not discussed and, moreover, it was not raised by the Georgian side, as it was noted in the statement of Foreign Ministry of Georgia ", said Chochiev.
As the Plenipotentiary emphasizes, the Georgian side had hidden from the people that in his report, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Mr. Tomas Hammarberg fully proved the fact of the abduction of three citizens of South Ossetia by the Georgian Interior Ministry officers, and the work of law enforcement bodies of Georgia was found unsatisfactory.
According to Boris Chochiev, Gigi Bokeria, avoiding to tell the truth, made 'smart' remarks and appeals in relation to the non-participation of the South Ossetian delegations in the second working group. "Our truth is that the Georgian delegation had misled the UN GA about the refugee issues. Throughout the 12 rounds of discussions, we warned the Georgian participants that if they continued to politicize the issue of refugees and transfered it from Geneva to the UN discussion, we would withdraw our participation in the second working group. We had to do so", says the Plenipotentiary.
As Boris Chochiev notes, in its statement the Georgian Foreign Ministry did not mention that it was not the Georgian side, but the South Ossetian delegation who proposed to resume the work of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism", concludes Chochiev.
It is worth reminding that the Georgian Foreign Ministry issued a statement calling upon "the international community to take concerted action and to persuade the Russian Federation and its proxy regimes to abandon the practice of taking hostages and release these persons immediately."
"To the disappointment of the Georgian side 13th round of the Geneva Talks was once again marred with the walk-out of the participants from the Tskhinvali proxy regime from the Working Group dealing with issues of safe and dignified return of IDPs and refugees", says the statement of the Georgian MFA.

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