The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RSO: The Constitution of the Republic of Nauru has marked the long-awaited independence of the young state

Thu, 19/05/2011 - 11:16

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia has sent its congratulations to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Finance of the Republic of Nauru on the occasion of the Constitution Day of the Republic of Nauru. In the congratulation, in particular, is said: "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South of Ossetia expresses its high respect to the Ministry of foreign affairs, trade and finance of the Republic of Nauru and has the honour to direct its sincere congratulations on celebrating the Constitution Day of the Republic of Nauru. Constitution is not only the attribute of the statehood, but also the legislative confirmation of the will of people, expressed in the course of elections and referendum, the warranty of equal facilities, protection of rights and civil liberties of people, the guarantee of democratic changes, occurring in any society.

Adopted in 1968 the Constitution of the Republic of Nauru has marked the long–expected independence of the young state, has founded the legislative base of the young state. The Main Law of the Republic of Nauru has promoted conducting the consequent political and socio-economic transformations, conservation of the public concord in the country that helped Nauru to overcome the most complicated years of establishing the statehood and occupy the deserving place in the modern world. South Ossetia is accepting with great satisfaction and highly appreciates the constructive dynamics of cooperation between our countries, which is being successfully developed by the foreign--policy departments of the Republic of South Ossetia and the Republic of Nauru and it also expresses the conviction that their efficient interaction will promote consolidation of .relationship between our people. The Ministry, taking the opportunity, expresses its high respect all the employees of the Ministry of Foreign affairs, Trade and Finance of the Republic of Nauru and wishes them happiness, health and success in their work".

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