A journalist from South Ossetia has been invited to the World Media Summit

Mon, 02/07/2012 - 15:44

Chief Editor of the South Ossetian republican socio-political newspaper "South Ossetia" Zalina Tskhovrebova will take part in the World Media Summit "Global Media: Challenges of the XXI century."
As reported to IA "Res" by Tskhovrebova herself, the event will be held July 4 -7 in Moscow.
"At the upcoming summit in Moscow will be discussed the most topical issues, which concern journalists of all countries. That is the questions of the future world media, the mission of the media in today's dynamic world, the relationship of new and traditional media and promotion of ideas of social and professional responsibility in the media, "- said Tskhovrebova.

During the event are scheduled sectional studies on the topic: "Electronic Media: diversity patterns or global monopoly on information?", "Social Media and the Internet: means of mass manipulation or tools of society integration?", "Business and Media: Partners or the owners? ",
"Journalistic ethics in a changing world: the boundaries of permissible and rights of journalists. "
"During the meeting will also be held plenary sessions on the topic" Information Challenges of the XXI century and the world media: the role of media under the conditions of confrontation and revolution ','' Model of the media under conditions of the economic crisis. The role of government and business '' and '' Future media: key trends in the transformation of traditional media'', "- continued the agency interlocutor.
It should be noted that the event will be organized by Information Telegraph Agency of Russia (ITAR-TASS).

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