The draft agenda of the seventh session of the IGC was approved in Tskhinval

Tue, 02/04/2013 - 20:01

Agenda of the seventh session of the Intergovernmental Commission (IGC) on socio-economic cooperation between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation has been discussed today at a meeting of the South Ossetian party of the IGC, chaired by Minister of Economic Development of South Ossetia Zalina Khugati.

First of all, the meeting discussed the issue of implementing the decisions made at the sixth meeting of the IGC. In addition, members of the South Ossetian party of the Intergovernmental Commission discussed the funding and the implementation of the investment program to promote socio-economic development of the Republic of South Ossetia in 2012-2013, as well as the main approaches to drafting the investment program for 2014. According to Zalina Khugati, the 2013 investment program will include only those facilities to be constructed, which have construction documents.
"In addition, the construction documents must undergo an examination. Following the examination results, the facility will be included in the 2013 investment program, "- explained Khugati.
The meeting also considered the draft Strategy of socio- economic development of the RSO until 2030, a medium-term program of socio-economic development of the RSO until 2017 and the sectoral development programs.
Zalina Khugati has informed those present that the draft Strategy of socio-economic development of the RSO 2030 is actually developed, and the medium-term development program will be ready by the end of May.
"As for the sectoral development programs, all of them have already been submitted to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, they will be the basis for the medium-term program of the development of our Republic", - added the Minister.
The meeting also noted the need for the state reserve in South Ossetia. This issue will also be discussed at the seventh meeting of the IGC.
At the end of the meeting it was approved the draft agenda of the seventh session of the Intergovernmental Commission.

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