The Border Guard Service of the State Security Committee of South Ossetia is drafting a bill, in which will be defined measures of responsibility for violation of the state border, said the head of the KGB Border Service of the RSO Sergei Kolbin.
According to him, administrative measures and criminal punishment for violation of the state border should be toughened. This should apply to citizens of South Ossetia, aiding the violators of the frontier.
At the moment, according to Kolbin, the border guards are searching for five citizens of Azerbaijan for violation of the state border and one citizen of South Ossetia who drove them illegally into the territory of the Republic of Russia. In addition, more than 10 citizens of South Ossetia who drove the infiltrators to border settlements, or directly to the border line, have been given official warnings.
"After that, we will consider these persons as accomplices in crimes stipulated by the legislation in the sphere of protection of the state border," - said the head of the Border Service.
He has warned that those who consciously or unconsciously aid the frontier intruders will fall under Article 322 of the Criminal Code stipulating liability for illegal crossing of the state border.
"I have mentioned that six people illegally crossed the border line. The situation was as follows: five citizens of Azerbaijan were denied the entry into South Ossetia; however, the citizen of the RSO brought them into our territory, having ignored the requirement of the border patrol, posing a threat to the border guards at the checkpoint the "Upper Ruck." This person falls under Part 3, Article 322, which provides for six years imprisonment,"- said Kolbin.
He has noted that during one of the meetings of the heads of law enforcement agencies of the Republic of South Ossetia the Border Service was recommended to draft a bill supplementing the criminal and administrative legislation in the sphere of protection of the state border.
"The laws that we use at the moment, do not have enough hard regulation in administrative and criminal liability for violation of the state border. We are currently working on a new law that will help us to more effectively prevent such violations, "- said Kolbin.