Resident of Silicon Valley Alan Kharebov will give a master class for students and teachers of South Ossetian State University

Tue, 25/11/2014 - 19:30

In Tskhinval took place a working meeting of the Rector of the South Ossetian State University Vadim Tedeev with the famous American engineer in the field of information technology, a native of South Ossetia Alan Kharebov. The meeting was attended by the Head of the Department of Informatics of South Ossetian State University, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Soslan Tabuev. It was reached an agreement of cooperation in the field of information technology. Alan Kharebov will give computer science master - class for students of the South Ossetian State University, students of the department of the "Applied Mathematics and Informatics", "Mathematics and Physics" and others.
In his interview with the news agency "Res" Vadim Tedeev has noted that a modern specialist must know the information technologies."
"Unfortunately, at the university due to lack of connectivity to fiber optic internet cannot be a stable high-speed access to global information resources, - said Vadim Tedeev. - It is not possible at the highest technical level to solve online the issues of conferences and other events. I am sure, in the near future in the country will be high-speed internet, which will allow to hold online not only scientific and other forums, but also remote lectures of leading specialists from Russia and other countries of the world."
Tedeev has also added that the visit of such an expert as Alan Kharebov to our university is a good opportunity to exchange experiences for employees of the Department of Informatics, Department of Information Technologies and the South Ossetian State University students.
Alan Kharebov, a native of South Ossetia, is the co-founder of a startup in medical field, a resident of the US Silicon Valley.
A few years ago Alan, along with his son Akhsar Kharebov created the project «Info meters», the basic idea of which was to provide data vital signs of a person by means of special devices and smartphone to medical institution, as well as to the attending medical doctor. In 2013 the company «Validic» proposed merging to the project "Info meters", that was a successful step, because the startup received another round of investment.

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