The intergovernmental draft Treaty between South Ossetia and Russia meets the interests of both countries - the President of South Ossetia

Thu, 19/02/2015 - 15:07

The draft Treaty between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation of alliance and integration meets the interests of both countries. It will promote their closer integration, aiming at the development of South Ossetia, said the president of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov at the meeting with residents of Znaur district of the Republic.

The President has noted that the document should be signed in the near future, it will help to strengthen the defense capability of the Republic, security of the population, including the strengthening of the state border.
"The draft Treaty is a political statement of the Russian Federation to protect its allies - South Ossetia and Abkhazia", - he said.
The President has stressed that in the draft Treaty is not mentioned the accession of South Ossetia to Russia.
"Russia is not ready for such a step today," - he said, adding that representatives of the Russian leadership have repeatedly stated this.
The head of state has noted that the difficult international situation affects the internal political processes in South Ossetia.
"Things do not always go according to the president, government, parliament and society. Today, we must work together to strengthen stability in the Republic. We must make every effort to do it", - said Leonid Tibilov.
According to the President, the most important aspect of the new interstate treaty is that it guarantees the security of South Ossetia from external aggression.
"According to the draft Treaty, aggression against South Ossetia will be regarded as aggression against Russia. With regard to the current political situation around South Ossetia, it is very important. If Georgia once again decides to use military force against South Ossetia, Russia will take measures to repel the aggression, "- he said.
The draft treaty, according to the president, also provides for closer co-operation of the state security of the two countries.
"The draft Treaty also provides for the removal of all checkpoints on the state border between Russia and South Ossetia", - he said.
The draft Treaty also provides for measures aimed at substantial improving of the social status of the population of the Republic, In particular, the size of salaries, allowances and pensions in 2016 will gradually reach the relevant ones in the North Caucasian Federal District.
"The citizens of South Ossetia having Russian citizenship, will be able to receive high-tech medical care in medical institutions in Russia, - said the president. - The working life of citizens of South Ossetia since 1991 will also be taken into account when calculating pensions. "
At the end of the meeting the President has expressed confidence that 2015 will be successful for South Ossetia.
"We must maintain our national unity, otherwise, all our endeavors are doomed to failure, "- he said.

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