The Days of Ossetian culture in Europe will be held in Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Austria and Germany, - Radion Pukhaev

Fri, 26/05/2017 - 10:41

On May 27, "Days of Ossetian Culture in Europe" will start in Brussels.
As reported to IA "Res by the head of the International Non-Profit Association "Renaissance Sandidzan" (Revival) Radion Pukhaev, "for seven years our events have been held in different cities of Europe," said Pukhaev. - This year they are planned to be organized in three stages. The first stage will be held in late May and early June in Brussels, Luxembourg and Paris. The second stage will be held in July in the world-famous spa town of Spa. There, the events will be an integral part of the celebration of 300 years of Peter the Great's stay in Belgian cities, though Belgium did not yet exist. The third phase is planned in Austria and Germany in September. "
According to Pukhaev, during the first stage, in addition to the exhibition of Ossetian artists, an interesting concert program awaits the audience.
"As part of the event it will perform the youth folklore group" Kona "," said Pukhaev. "Traditionally, a round table will be organized with the participation of representatives of the Ossetian Diasporas of several European countries. We are awaiting the arrival of representatives of the authorities of North and South Ossetia. Several interesting meetings and receptions are planned to be held. "
Pukhaev has specified that it will also take place a master class of Ossetian artists accompanied by live national music.
"We have also planned a general presentation of the magazines" Tskhinval "and "South Ossetia", but this is still in question," said the head of the Association. - We are trying to find new creative opportunities. At the end of last year, based on the numerous requests of the inhabitants of the Grand Duchy, we have held a Christmas exhibition in Luxembourg. It was essentially two solo exhibitions of Magrez Kelekhsaev and Ahsar Esenov. It was held at a very high level. The exhibition in Luxembourg was supported by Anatoly Bibilov. I think we will continue these exhibitions in the future. "

Катерина Пухаева
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