A holiday of art that will last a week: “Spring of impressions” with Nikas Safronov in Tskhinval

Tue, 16/04/2019 - 20:57

The opening of the personal exhibition of the famous painter of our time, honored artist of Russia - Nikas Safronov "Spring of impressions" has taken place at the South Ossetian State University.

The cultural event attracted the attention of many guests. Visitors to the exhibition were waiting for a unique opportunity to plunge into the multi-faceted world of colors by maestro Nikas Safronov and talk with the artist himself.

The opening of the exhibition was also attended by President of the Republic Anatoly Bibilov, representatives of the government and the parliament, the scientific and creative intelligentsia.

Nikas Safronov shared his impressions of his visit to South Ossetia, and also noted the beauty, originality and hospitality of the South Ossetian people.

“The most beautiful thing I have felt here at night, hearing the singing of nightingales, with us they finish singing in May, and with you they sing in April. I could not sleep, the river and the singing of the nightingales strongly inspired me. I plunged into the river, arrived already so refreshed, with a desire to say that I love you all, my heart, and my house are always open for you,” said the master.

Nikas Safronov stressed that he had long wanted to come to South Ossetia and today his dream has come true.

“I am happy that I can be called your friend. I am happy that I was finally able to fulfill my dream - having come to my beloved republic to my beloved people,” he said.

According to the artist, he has visited many countries of the world, but he has never been welcomed so warmly as in South Ossetia, and he will definitely come again with new works.

“We will continue to be friends, we will hold joint workshops and creative meetings. I will definitely come here in May and bring with me a cycle of new works,” said the artist. Rector of the South Ossetian State University Vadim Tedeev, on behalf of the entire team of the university, thanked the President of the Republic, Anatoly Bibilov, and the Embassy of the RSO for organizing the exhibition of the great master of the brush, Nikas Safronov.

The rector has noted that he has seen the works of Safronov earlier on the Internet, but the live works of the master are even more beautiful and brighter.

“I saw the painting by Nikas Safronov on the Internet, but I have seen them live yesterday. To be honest, I myself take a great interest in the Beatles and the portrait of John Lennon brought me into complete admiration, like all the other paintings of the great master,” said the rector.

The exhibition of the master brush will last until April 21, and for everyone, the entrance is open.

The Chairman of the Union of Artists of the Republic, Tamerlan Tskhovrebov, has noted that the arrival of Nikas Safronov is a significant event for all residents of the Republic, and his works are unique.

Anatoly Bibilov thanked Nikas Safronov for his arrival and the great gift he gave to the residents of South Ossetia, having presented his personal exhibition.

“Today, in the cultural life of South Ossetia, it is a great event, an artist of such magnitude brought his works so that we could see them and have great pleasure. I am grateful to my friend, a man with whom we have been friends for over five years. What he exhibits here is strong work. I can say that the house of Nikas is really an artistic masterpiece. I am immensely grateful to Nikas for the visit, of course, grateful to our Ambassador to the Russian Federation, Znaur Gassiev, who organized his visit,” said the President, noting that the idea of ​​organizing the exhibition belonged to him.

After the ceremonial cutting of the red ribbon, those present were able to see the works of the great artist, to communicate with him, and also to take memorable photos.

A young and talented singer, soloist of the vocal-instrumental group of the South-Ossetian State University, Maria Kodalaeva, decorated the event with her performance of the song “My Home”. Student of the South Ossetian State University Irena Khubulova has shared her impressions of visiting the exhibition with the IA Res, noting that Nikas Safronov is an amazingly talented artist and modest person.

“Pictures of Nikas Safronov are amazing, they are striking in their beauty and naturalness. Looking at each of the paintings, one can note the charm of each canvas; one work is not like the other,” she said.

A singer Leila Kulumbegova admitted that today for the first time she was able to see Safronov’s works live.

“Very beautiful pictures, lively and filled with positive energy,” she said.

The exhibition featured more than 50 works by the artist. The artist’s expositions included paintings and graphic works - these are works of various genres: landscapes, still life, portraits, plot surrealistic compositions, among which canvases in the unique author’s style of “Dream vision”. Architectural landscapes of the master are imbued with the mystery, the spirit of different eras.

Nikas Safronov held a master class for students of the Lyceum of Arts in Tskhinval on Tuesday. The guys eagerly caught every word of the maestro, since not everyone is able to work with Nikas Safronov.

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