The KGB of South Ossetia responsibly declares that a quadcopter of the South Ossetian Prosecutor General’s Office was shot down by targeted fire of the Georgian security forces, and the firing was conducted in the direction of the territory of South Ossetia, the State Security Committee said on Monday.
"This fact is reliably confirmed by numerous testimonies from local residents who were not far from the scene of the incident and heard the sounds of indiscriminate shooting from Georgian territory," the KGB said.
Late in the evening of September 1, the State Security Service of Georgia made a statement regarding the incident with a drone of the General Prosecutor's Office of South Ossetia, shot down the day before by the Georgian security forces in the area of the South Ossetian village of Uista (Tsnelis).
"The statement sounded the next hastily fabricated version of the incident. In particular, the State Security Service claims that the South Ossetian UAV crashed to the ground as a result of an air strike" near the village of Abano of the Karelian municipality "with a "Georgian civil drone, "the statement said. Previously the blame for the downed machine tried unsuccessfully to take on the leader of the so-called "anti-occupation movement "Strength in unity" David Kkatsarava, caught us in a dramatization of the fact of withdrawal of his object similar to a drone".
The State Security Committee of the Republic of South Ossetia understands the desire of the Georgian side to present this incident as a result of the high-tech development of the Karelian region of Georgia, which has switched to the massive use of UAVs for peaceful purposes, "however this fact, unfortunately, does not correspond to reality, like D. Katsarava ’s statement . "
"We believe that the best way out of this situation is to demonstrate by the Georgian side the remnants of the drone to the EU Observer Mission, with its subsequent transfer to the South Ossetian representatives within the framework of the IPRM for them to conduct an appropriate examination." - notes the KGB.