Impunity breeds new tragedies: South Ossetia again calls for consolidation in the fight against fascism

Fri, 18/03/2022 - 11:17

On the occasion of the 31st anniversary of the Ered tragedy, the Embassy of the Republic of South Ossetia in the Russian Federation sent a press release to all diplomatic missions accredited in the Russian Federation, as well as to the Georgian Interests Section at the Embassy of Switzerland, dedicated to the criminal act of genocide against the peaceful Ossetian population on 18 March 1991.

"Every year on March 18, a mournful date is commemorated in South Ossetia, reminding us of the monstrous tragedy in the recent history of our people that occurred in March 1991.

On this day, 31 years ago, in the area of ​​the occupied South Ossetian village of Ered, Georgian armed formations and criminal gangs, intoxicated by the ideology of fascism, blocked a convoy with civilians heading to the city of Tskhinval. The victims of this barbaric act of intimidation became unarmed peaceful Ossetians. Men, women, children were subjected to physical and moral violence and humiliation. Women and children were miraculously rescued from captivity, but twelve men were buried alive after Jesuit tortures

Only in September 1993, after more than two years, after a long and painstaking work, did the relatives and the authorities of South Ossetia become aware of the place of burial and the circumstances of the incident," the Embassy has reminded.

The message says that "Time heals" ... however, even after three decades, this tragedy remains an unhealed wound in our hearts.

"This pain, like the pain from hundreds of thousands of innocent victims of modern Nazism, including in the Donbass and other territories, cannot fade away. South Ossetia once again calls for consolidation in the fight against fascism, which, unfortunately, is supported in various countries, including at the state level. The world community, which is silent, must be united and resolutely fight this criminal ideology, because impunity generates new tragedies, new ruined innocent souls, "the Embassy noted.

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