Speaker met with the delegation of Abkhazia in the Parliament of South Ossetia

Mon, 19/06/2023 - 16:27

Speaker of the Parliament of South Ossetia Alan Alborov received Deputy of the Parliament of Abkhazia, Chairman of the "Remember" Charitable Foundation Leonid Lakerbaya and Deputy Chairman of the "Remember" Charitable Foundation Lyalya Chamagua, the press service of the legislative body reports.

The meeting was attended by Vice-Speaker of the South Ossetian legislative body Alexander Pliev and Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on National Policy, Culture, Religion and Media Amiran Dyakonov.

Welcoming the guests, Alborov noted the historical interweaving of the destinies of the peoples of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

“When our elders left for Abkhazia, I was 14 years old. We were proud and are still proud that the South Ossetian volunteers helped our brothers in Abkhazia in a difficult situation. I have always been overwhelmed with pride and due to the fact that you and I are always next to each other,” said Alborov.

The Speaker noted that Abkhazia and South Ossetia should continue to move towards development together, just as they came to peace together.

“Great gratitude to all the Abkhazian people for their support in 2008. Then the main blow fell on South Ossetia, but your desire to help us probably played a role in Russia forcing the aggressor to peace. We have passed the way to peace together, and today we must also move towards the development of our countries, have joint projects, including activities for charity, entrepreneurship, and agriculture. Together we have always succeeded in promoting our interests,” the head of the Parliament stressed.

Leonid Lakerbaya, Chairman of the "Remember" Charitable Foundation, noted that they had come on a mission to visit the families of volunteers who had taken part in the hostilities in Abkhazia.

“This time we have a mission dedicated to the 30th anniversary of our victory, in which volunteers from South Ossetia played a huge role, they were actually the first to come to our aid. We visited the families of those perished guys,” he said.

Lakerbaya has noted that the events of 2008 eventually made it possible for Abkhazia and South Ossetia to gain independence thanks to Russia.

“Without our main strategic partner, the situation could have been very different. Thank God that Russia took such a step and recognized our republics, and today we can exist as separate states,” Lakerbaya said.

Deputy Amiran Dyakonov has noted that the struggle for freedom in Abkhazia, where South Ossetian volunteers also took part, was a common struggle of the peoples of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

"Thank you for the feat that you perform virtually every day, paying attention to the families of the fallen volunteers who fought for your freedom. The struggle of the Abkhaz people for their truth is an integral part of the struggle of the Ossetian people for their freedom and independence. We were young when we went to this war, and we understood perfectly well that if Georgian nationalism dealt with the Abkhaz people, then its attention would again be returned to the extermination of the people of South Ossetia, too. It was a common struggle of the peoples of Abkhazia and South Ossetia against the world evil, which is nationalism, fascism, wherever it comes from," Diakonov stressed.

At the end of the event, the parties exchanged memorable gifts.

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