The head of the South Ossetian Parliament and the Chairman of the State Duma signed a cooperation agreement in Moscow

Mon, 09/10/2023 - 14:52

The head of the South Ossetian Parliament Alan Alborov and Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin signed a cooperation agreement in Moscow on Monday, the press service of the Republic of South Ossetia reports.

“We are reaching a new level of cooperation, filling our work with concrete content. This is our contribution to the development of relations between the countries on the part of parliaments; it will give impetus to interaction,” emphasized Vyacheslav Volodin.

According to him, the signing of the agreement between the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia will allow deputies of the two countries to conduct dialogue on an ongoing basis.

“We are talking about creating a high-level inter-parliamentary commission, within the framework of which we could discuss issues of bilateral relations in the parliamentary dimension. We must admit that we are not using this format enough yet,” he said, adding that it is also necessary to more actively developing interaction at the level of specialized committees.

We are responsible to our peoples and countries for building closer relations. People want such a dialogue,” noted Vyacheslav Volodin.

According to him, all factions of the State Duma are unanimous in the opinion that relations between Russia and South Ossetia should be strengthened and developed on the principles of trust, friendship, mutually beneficial cooperation and non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states.

Alan Alborov has stated that South Ossetia highly values the support of its strategic partner:

"Russia is a great Homeland for us."

“Once again I express the solidarity of residents of our Republic with our strategic ally Russia in its just struggle,” emphasized Chairman of the Parliament of South Ossetia.

Alborov has also expressed confidence that the new format of interaction between deputies will make it possible to promply and constructively resolve all the emerging issues.

Alan Alborov invited Vyacheslav Volodin to visit the Republic.

Chairman of the State Duma, in turn, invited Chairman of the Parliament of South Ossetia to take part in the annual international conference “The role of interaction between factions of political parties and blocs in inter-parliamentary cooperation of the CIS countries”, which will be held in the State Duma.

It should be reminded that Alan Alborov is on an official visit to the Russian Federation. He is accompanied by a delegation of representatives of all factions. The visit program includes a meeting with Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko. South Ossetian parliamentarians will discuss with their Russian colleagues a number of issues on the development of bilateral relations, etc.

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