A rally in honor of the Day of Courage and National Unity was held in South Ossetia

Thu, 23/11/2023 - 17:25

The date November 23, 1989 is the day of the beginning of the national liberation struggle of the Ossetian people for freedom and independence, said President of South Ossetia Alan Gagloev at the solemn meeting in honor of the Day of Courage and National Unity.

“Since then, every year people of Ossetia gather here and remember the courage and bravery of their compatriots,” Gagloev said.

He has noted that the days of Saint Uastyrji were being celebrated in Ossetia, who, undoubtedly, was on the side of unarmed guys who blocked the path of a crowd of thousands of the Georgian nationalists with their breasts.

“Since then, the Ossetian people have had to go through a lot of trials in order to achieve the long-awaited independence and recognition,” the head of state has noted.

Gagloev has emphasized that Ossetians will always remember and pay tribute to those who defended the independence of the Republic.

The commander of the Cossack brigade "Dnepr" of the Volunteer Assault Corps, Andrei Zhidkov, expressed gratitude to the entire people of Ossetia for their courage and heroism, as well as “for the fact that they are always with the Russian people.”

“And today, in the zone of the special military operation, where the fascists perked up and began their, as they believed, victorious march, the people of Russia, together with the people of Ossetia, are fighting shoulder to shoulder, sitting in the trenches, and destroying the Nazi evil spirits that our grandfathers did not crush,” - said Zhidkov.

Anatoly Gagloev, a participant in the events of those years, has noted that many of the guys who stood in this place in 1989 are no longer alive.

“I would like more attention to be paid to the participants in the national liberation movement,” Gagloev said. “When mortal danger comes, the Ossetian people unite, God grant that this day will always unite us in the future.”

The rally was attended by representatives of the Republic's leadership led by President Alan Gagloev, members of Parliament, representatives of the public, participants in the national liberation struggle for freedom and independence of the Republic, and military personnel.

By the decree of President of South Ossetia on November 23, 2010, this day was declared the Day of Courage and National Unity.

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