Alan Gagloev congratulated Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' on his Namesake Day

Fri, 24/05/2024 - 21:21
РИА Новости

South Ossetia highly appreciates your great personal contribution to strengthening close centuries-old ties between our countries, based on the common Orthodox faith, friendship and mutual understanding, says the congratulatory message of President of the Republic Alan Gagloev to Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' on the occasion of the Namesake Day.

“Being a model of piety and patience, you give thousands of Orthodox Christians the light of faith, love and goodness. In your daily work, you strengthen the spiritual foundations of society, contribute to preservation of peace and harmony, mutual respect between peoples.

Your Holiness, on the occasion of your name day, accept sincere wishes for good health, inexhaustible spiritual and physical strength, God’s help and blessings in all matters, hard works and good undertakings,” the text of the message published on the official website of the head of state, reads.

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